1. Registration of companion animals. Read more >>> 
  2. Additional measures during the transportation of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) with passenger ships. Read more >>> 
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Emergency measures restricting non-local travel to protect public health from the risk of further spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, from 06:00 on Friday, 23 April, to 06:00 on Monday, 10 May (Government Gazette 1678/23-4-2021)

Pursuant to JMD No. Δ1α/ΓΠ.οικ.: 26044, emergency measures restricting supra-local travel to protect public health will be in effect from 06:00 on Friday, 23 April, to 06:00 on Monday, 10 May.

Pursuant to Government Gazette 1678/23-4-2021, emergency measures restricting non-local travel to protect public health are being imposed as preventive measures for the absolutely necessary period of time to protect public health from further spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, from 06:00 on Friday, 23 April 2021, to 06:00 on Monday, 10 May 2021.

Article 1

Supra-local movement

1. During the period of implementation of this decision, movement is banned, by any means, outside the boundaries of the Regional Unit of residence. In the case of Attica in particular, movement is banned: a) outside the boundaries of the Region and b) to or from the Regional Unit of the Islands.

2. The following movement, by any means, is exempted from the implementation of paragraph 1:

a) To and from work. The effect of the present decision is certified in accordance with cases a), b) and c) of article 3(3) of Joint Ministerial Decision Δ1α/ΓΠ.οικ.24489/16.4.2021 of the Ministers of Finance, Development and Investments, Citizen Protection, National Defence, Education and Religious Affairs, Labour and Social Affairs, Health, Environment and Energy, Culture and Sport, Justice, Interior, Migration and Asylum, Digital Governance, Infrastructure and Transport, Shipping and Island Policy, Rural Development and Food, and State, and of the Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister entitled “Emergency measures for the protection of public health from further risk of the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus throughout the State and during the period from 06:00 on Monday, 19 April 2021, to 06:00 on Holy Monday, 26 April 2021” (II 1558), as applicable in each case.

The documents to be presented to certify movement for work reasons designate the start and end time of movement and are cross-checked by the authorities checking the documents against the data that has been submitted to the Hellenic State Workforce Registry and the “ERGANI” information system of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

In particular in the case of self-employed, freelance professionals and businesspeople, the sworn statement or certification of case (c) of article 3(3) of the aforementioned joint ministerial decision specifically states the reason for movement (e.g., scheduled appointment at a specific public service) and the total duration of this movement may not exceed forty-eight (48) hours. The person moving in implementation of this case may not make use of the supra-local movement allowed in case (c) within the time of implementation of the present decision.

b) For health reasons, solely and exclusively in the case of movement to a public health structure, the certification of which requires, in addition to the movement certification of article 3(5) of the above joint ministerial decision, a document from the public health structure, except in cases of emergency.

c) For the purpose of non-return travel to the place of permanent residence, the certification of which requires a Special Use Certification of Residence, which is obtained at no charge from the website https://www.aade.gr/bebaiosi-katoikias-eidikis-hrisis, or a copy of the E1 income tax statement. The person moving in implementation of this case may not make use of the supra-local movement allowed in case (a) within the time of implementation of the present decision.

d) For travel to a funeral under the conditions provided for by law. In addition to the movement certificate of article 3(5) of the above joint ministerial decision, the person moving in implementation of the present decision is obliged to have on their person and to present (da) a death certificate and (db) burial permit to the authorities carrying out checks. The total time of movement in implementation of the present case may not exceed forty-eight (48) hours.

e) For movement of divorced or separated parents that is necessary to ensure communication between parents and their children, pursuant to the applicable provisions. The parent moving in implementation of the present decision is obliged to have on their person and to present (ea) in the case of divorce, a final judgment or notarial act dissolving the marriage, (eb) in the case of separation, a sworn statement of Law 1599/1986 (Α 75) and (ec) in each case, evidence of the child’s residence, such as a deed of ownership or lease agreement.

3. In each case of movement permitted in accordance with paragraph 2: a) the movement is limited to the time absolutely necessary, b) the data submitted certify both the time of departure and the time of return, c) in the case of transport of more persons in the same means of transportation, a permitted reason for movement is duly certified for each of the persons travelling.

4. This decision does not cover persons under the third sub-paragraph of paragraph 1 of article 3 of joint ministerial decision Δ1α/ΓΠ.οικ.24489/16.4.2021 within the scope of the implementation of this decision and as applicable in each case.

It should be noted that embarkation on a vessel requires prior completion of the “Pre-Embarkation” form and its submission upon embarkation to the competent Financial Service of the vessel along with the ticket.

Use of a protective mask is mandatory.

We recommend that passengers arrive at the port of departure in good time to facilitate the check-in process before embarkation.

We note that passengers must not travel if they have symptoms of COVID-19 infection (cough, runny nose, fever, sore throat, difficulty breathing or other respiratory symptoms) or if they have come into contact with a COVID-19 patient during the 14 days before the journey.

If the ticket has been issued electronically, proof of identity is checked before and during embarkation of passengers onto the vessels carrying out the transport.

It is noted that travel documents shall be checked by vessels’ Financial Service before embarkation and that Hellenic Coast Guard personnel shall also oversee the proper and thorough implementation of the present decision and shall provide all possible assistance to vessels’ companies and crews.

Kallithea, April 23, 2021