1. Registration of companion animals. Read more >>> 
  2. Additional measures during the transportation of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) with passenger ships. Read more >>> 
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112 - The European Emergency Number

Hellenic Seaway would like to inform its passengers, who are travelling in European Union countries, about the single European Emergency Number 112

As Europeans are increasingly travelling in European countries throughout the year, only 26% of them know that they can dial just three digits – 112 – anytime anywhere in Europe, to get immediate help, in case of an emergency situation. 

112 is the European Emergency Number to call from anywhere in the European Union, in case of emergency. 112 links the caller to the relevant emergency service (local police, fire brigade or medical services) and is available 24-hours a day. 

You can call 112:

  • To contact any emergency service (local police, fire brigade or medical services), 24-hours a day
  • In any EU country
  • From fixed phones, including public payphones, or mobile phones
  • FREE of charge

You just need to remember one emergency number, anywhere in the EU, 112

For more information please visit www.112.eu