1. Registration of companion animals. Read more >>> 
  2. Additional measures during the transportation of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) with passenger ships. Read more >>> 

Strike on 22 & 23/10/24 - Itineraries’ modifications. Get informed >>>

Cookies Policy

Information related to the Cookies Policy

At www.hellenicseaways.gr we use cookies to make your experience on our site better. The use of cookies helps us improve the site’s functions, to make your browsing easier, and to assist you in your selections. Thus, we are able to provide you with personalised content and advertisements that are based on your interest and needs. In addition, cookies are used so that we can analyse our site's traffic and detect problematic pages that need improvement. Our goal is to improve our site in order to provide a continuously improved experience and services during visits by our users.

At www.hellenicseaways.gr, the primary goal is to protect the privacy of visitors to the website and, for this reason, the organisation adheres to a strict policy.

We recommend that you spend a little time to read this policy, so that you can understand the type of cookies we use, the information we collect through the use of cookies, and how this information is utilised. By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies in accordance with this policy.

What are cookies?

“Cookies” are small files with information that a website saves on a user’s computer (usually in the web navigation software such as Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, Firefox, Edge, etc.) so that every time the user connects to the website, it recovers the information in question and provides the user with services related to it. A typical example of such information includes the user’s preferences on a website as these are expressed through the selections that the user makes on the specific site (e.g. selection of specific buttons, searches, advertisements etc.)

General information regarding the classification of Cookies

Two general categories of cookies exist:

  • Technical cookies: these are necessary for the proper functioning of a website and navigation therein by the user. Without these, it is possible for the user not to be in a position to display the pages correctly or to use certain services.
  • Cookies for the creation of a profile: these are used to create user profiles for sending advertising messages according to the preferences that the user exhibits during navigation.

Cookies, either “technical” ones or those for the “creation of a profile” can be also by classified as:

  • “session” cookies which are immediately deleted when the navigation software is shut down
  • “permanent” cookies that remain in the navigation software for a specified period of time. These cookies are used, for example, to recognise the device connecting to a website, facilitating the user identification procedure
  • «“proprietary” cookies which are created and are directly monitored by the operator of the website where the user is navigating
  • “third party” cookies which are created and controlled by parties other than the operator of the website where the user is navigating.

Our Website uses “technical” cookies, and more specifically the following types of cookies:

  • proprietary cookies, session cookies and permanent cookies, which are necessary for navigation of the Website, for purposes of internal security and system management
  • third party cookies, permanent cookies that are used by the Website to send statistical information to Google Analytics, whereby the Company can conduct a statistical analysis of access/visits to the Website. The cookies used exclusively serve statistical purposes and collect information in aggregated form. By using two cookies, permanent cookies and session cookies (which expire upon shutting down of the navigation software) Google Analytics also saves a log with the times that visits to the Website commence, as well as logging out. You can block Google from collecting data through cookies and the subsequent processing of data by downloading and installing the add-on to the navigation software from the following address: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

For third party cookies, users provide or refuse to provide their consent directly to the owner of the cookie in question, to which the Company simply refers: most third party cookies that exist on the website can be deactivated by the user through their navigation software or by directly visiting their operators’ websites by using the links referred to in the table below. In any case, we stress that the deactivation of cookies may affect your ability to use the site and/or to fully take advantage of the available functions and services.

How to control cookies

Most navigation software on the internet provide you with the ability to select whether or not you wish to use cookies. Select the navigation software you use and follow the instructions:

If you use a different browser, please refer to the provider’s information.

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