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An Enchanting Volcanic Island

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Discover Milos

Milos is an enchanting volcanic island in the south-west corner of the Cyclades. It is a place whose culture dates back to prehistoric times, with a long history of mineral extraction that brought the island wealth and status. It is also where the world-famous Venus de Milo, now in the Louvre, was discovered.

Milos’ main feature is its dramatic terrain, an extraordinary combination of arresting moonscapes, incredible geological formations, and fabulous beaches with emerald seas. This most enigmatic of the Aegean islands also boasts picturesque settlements with classic Cycladic architecture and a wealth of gastronomic delights.

Romantic and wonderfully photogenic, Milos is an ideal destination for couples, groups of friends, and nature lovers looking for a haven of relaxation and tranquillity with magnificent sunset views.

5 memorable experiences on Milos
  1. Going around the island by boat, discovering heavenly locations such as the sea cave of Sykia, Cape Vani, and the spectacular Glaronisia, four tiny islets of volcanic basalt.
  2. The full moon reflecting off the white rocks at Sarakiniko Beach.
  3. Seeing the splendid Roman Theatre in Klima, an imposing piece of architecture made from white Parian marble and with excellent acoustics.
  4. Make a stop at the picturesque windmills of Tripiti to admire the sunset with a view of the boundless sea.
  5. If you choose one of the ferry tickets to Milos, take the opportunity to visit the lovely neighbouring island of Kimolos.
Beaches of Milos

The irregular coastline of Milos is blessed with more than 90 beaches, many of them unbelievably striking, owing to their volcanic origin. Don’t miss:

  • Sarakiniko, with its unique lunar landscape of bone-white volcanic rock, some parts of which have been sculpted by the sea into caves, arches, and platforms which are perfect for sunbathing or diving off. The beach owes its name to the Saracen pirates who once tethered their ships here.
  • Gorgeous Tsigkrado, in an alluring cove with limpid emerald waters, white sand, and sea caves. The beach has no facilities and access is via a long steep path.
  • Fyriplaka, a popular tourist beach. Its majestic scenery consists of towering cliffs, fine white sand, and aquamarine waters.
  • Paliochori, with red rocks, sand, small pebbles, and a crystal-clear sea. Its main feature is the fantastic colours and great variety of the volcanic rocks in the area.
  • Ahivadolimni, Milos’ longest beach, actually consisting of two stretches of white sand in a turquoise bay. The first will suit anyone looking for seclusion, while the second attracts large numbers of people thanks to its bars and restaurants. Nearby is a lake (limni in Greek) full of clams (ahivades), from where it gets its name.
Postcards from Milos: 10 things not to miss

Situated on top of a hill above Adamantas Bay, Plaka is a charming Cycladic town with attractive paved streets, whitewashed houses, pretty churches, and traditional shops, restaurants and cafes. If you choose one of the itineraries to Milos, it is worth climbing the path of the 13th-century Venetian Castle until you come to the courtyard of the historic Church of the Virgin Mary Thalassitra with its stunning views of the Aegean.

The Church of the Virgin Mary Korfiatissa
This beautiful church standing on the slope of a steep rock in Plaka dates from 1810. Its courtyard, paved with marble flagstones from the ancient city and decorated with elaborate pebble mosaic designs, is a fantastic spot from which to watch the sunset.

Milos Mining Museum
Through an excellent collection of minerals and videos of old miners, this fascinating museum tells the story of 11 millennia of mining on Milos. It also organises tours of sites that are of geological interest.

Milos Archaeological Museum
A neoclassical building designed by the Bavarian architect Ernst Ziller in Plaka houses unique archaeological finds from excavations on the island. It includes vases and figurines from prehistoric Phylakopi, and sculptures and inscriptions from the Hellenistic and Roman periods. The entrance hall is dominated by a faithful plaster replica of the Venus de Milo, donated by the Louvre.

The Milos Catacombs
The catacombs, dating from the 2nd to the 5th century AD, are located near the village of Tripiti and are an important early Christian monument. At the end of the 2nd century AD, this evocative labyrinth of underground galleries functioned as a place of congregation for the first Christians, but also as a cemetery.

The Sulphur Mines
The old sulphur mines in Paliorema Bay, which operated from 1890 to 1956, are an impressive geological attraction, captivating visitors with their mysterious aura and brilliant white scenery. You can explore the quarry equipment, including wagons and iron bridges, or enjoy a swim at the beach, with its amazing yellow pebbles.

This traditional fishing village has become an iconic image of Milos, thanks to the famous syrmata: colourfully painted boathouses built in front of a cliff right next to the seashore. Many of them have now been converted into holiday homes.

This dazzling collection of immense white rocks, which can only be approached by sea, is one of the most stunning settings in the Mediterranean.

This uninhabited islet, just one nautical mile from Milos, is an exotic paradise with clear blue waters and enchanting underwater caves. The area is known as a refuge for the Mediterranean monk seal but is also a destination for diving enthusiasts.

The ruins of prehistoric Phylakopi (3000-1100 BC), a major city of the Cycladic civilisation, are a fascinating place for an excursion.

Tastes of Milos

The island’s cuisine is rich in gastronomic treasures and traditional recipes just waiting to be tried. Start with its wonderful pies, including pitarakia (filled with Mileiko, a local hard cheese) and flaounes (a kind of spinach pie with rice and raisins).

Enjoy treats such as beltes, a spread made of sun-dried tomatoes served on skizes (slices of bread) and the parmesan-like Mileiko. You should also sample delicious mezes such as tomato fritters, fried courgettes with skotyri cheese, snails yiahni (cooked in a stew with onions and fresh tomatoes), braised goat with potatoes cooked in a wood-fired oven, skordolazana (tagliatelle-like strips of pasta with garlic sauce and beltes), braised rooster, and cod baked in tomato sauce and served with spaghetti.

For something sweet, try koufeto (a white pumpkin and almond preserve) or karpouzopita, a baked watermelon dessert.

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